
Showing posts from March, 2022

5th week

 Sunday, 20th March 5th week - Activities In this week,  we presented our progression meeting presentation on 15th March & got the comments about our project. After getting Madam's comments for our ideas & plans that related to our project, we knew how to do our activities in upcoming weeks. We discussed about our execution plan of the project, meeting via whatsapp call on 17th March & sent our plan to the madam to get the comments. According to the comments of the execution plan, we changed & planned our activities to do our best. We changed our YouTube channel's logo due to the comments that we got from our Madam at the progression meeting presentation. We got Madam's approve💪 for the planned physical awareness session & the recipes that we are going to upload in YouTube channel weekly. Our new logo that created for the YouTube channel; In short, activities that we did in this week; Discussing & planning our execution plan of the project Creating

4th week

 Thursday, 10th March 4th Week - Activities In this week, we rechecked our activities which did in previous weeks. We finalized our progress presentation & also we could to complete our introductory video of the project within this week. In short, the activities we did in 4th week; Finalizing the progress presentation ✅ Completing introductory video of the project ✅ The introductory video of the project;😍💪   After those activities, we are waiting to present our progress presentation in next week to present our ideas & plans that are related to our cooking demo project & to get our Madam's comments to continue all suggested & planned programs throughout the upcoming weeks.

About Me & My blog

INTRODUCTION About My Self   My name : N.G.C.M.Narampanawa Index No: 188043 I am an undergraduate of  Applied Nutrition department in Faculty of Livestock Fisheries & Nutrition of  Wayamba university of Sri Lanka.  About My Blog Course module : LFN 2212 - Community Link (Linkcom) Assigned project : " Cooking Demo" In my blog, the activities done by my group for our cooking demo project are updated weekly.  Our Madam Dr.Thushanthi Perera & our Demonstrator Miss. Showmiya Mahendran are with us in all tasks for guiding us to success our project.

3rd week

 Sunday, 6th March 3rd week - Activities In 3rd week, we created our YouTube channel & we were waiting for our Madam's comments👀👍👎 to promote our channel through the social medias & to upload the nutritious recipes🍲😋🥘🥫 for kids under 5 years. In this week we had to make our progression presentation & we did it helping each other. Within that, I helped to make our first introduction video of the project. I could to do my part very well for creating it. And also, one of our group member created a promotion video for the YouTube channel. As the content of our channel, we discussed to upload nutritious demonstration recipes for kids under 5 years. (infants, toddlers & preschoolers)👶🧒 In short, the activities we did in 3rd week; Creating YouTube channel Creating introductory video for promotion  Link of the Tot's Kitchen YouTube channel: Page of the channel:           After doing those activities, we

2nd week

 Sunday, 27th February 2nd Week - Activities In the 2nd week, we had to do activities for our group projects. In here, as we could all the members met again via a zoom session on 26th Saturday to discuss programs that we have to do in our project in upcoming weeks. As our suggestions, we suggested to do an awareness program for the mothers of kids under 5 years selecting an area where we can go easily because they are our target group of the project. Then we suggested to create a YouTube channel 😍uploading nutritious recipes videos for the kids under 5 years & to continue it weekly promoting the channel by posters. In here, we wanted to select a name for the channel & as well as a logo before creating the channel. According to all preference, we selected "Tot's Kitchen" as the name for the YouTube channel & then a logo was created. As the content of the YouTube channel, nutritious recipes for the kids under 5 years old were suggested. -Logo of the Tot'