

16th Tuesday, August   End of the project..... Throughout the 15 weeks of our Cooking Demo project, sharing our ideas, thoughts & experiences, using innovations to enhance success of our program & also helping each other, we did a big task as a family. On 16th of August, we presented our final presentation. Until that moment, all of us worked together to achieve our target. As a team, we think we did it💪💓. We never do this without the support & guidance of our beloved madam Dr.Thushanthi Perera, our demonstrator Miss.Showmiya Mahendran & the dietician Mrs.Thiloka Sammani Hettiarachchi & Miss.Michelle Sahabandu. They were our strength always to achieve this success😍. Behind this great achievement, they always guided us to get the maximum from all the programs that we did. We got a great chance to move with the community within this Community Link (Linkcom) course module.  💓 .....Tots' Kitchen family.....💓  - End of a great journey -

15th week

 Sunday, 19th June 15th week - Activities During 15th week, we did our biggest task of the cooking demo project😍. It was the physical awareness session of MOH office at Pannala area. On 15th of June, our group went to the Pannala MOH & did it as our best. Our madam Dr. Thushanthi Perera & our demonstrators miss Mrs. Showmiya Mahendran & Mrs. Michelle Sahabandu participated for this session. It was a great opportunity that we got in our lives because we could to speak to the community (mothers) & inform them about the nutrition of their children who are under 5 years.  We did all the activities as the agenda that we prepared in previous week. Our madam & our demonstrator miss gave their fullest support to success our program on that day. And also, my part which I had to speak about the nutrition of the toddlers was done as my best 💪in the discussion session. Memories on 15th June, Physical awareness session of Pannala MOH office; Describing the poster that created

14th week

 Sunday, 12th June 14th week - Activities In this week, the agenda of the awareness session that we decided to conduct at the MOH office of Pannala area was prepared discussing with the group members. It was as following; Agenda: 🌸 (Moderator - Buddhika) (10.00 am- 10.15 am) Welcome speech -  shehani (10.15 am-11 am) discussion session      - infants - pathumi      - toddlers - chathu         - presch-Ruwanthini  (11.00 am - 11.15 am) Q&A session - demonstrator miss (11.15am - 11.45 am)  Meal demonstration        - shehani- pumpkin puree      - sandhuni- Nutri balls      - sanghika- fruit kebab      - Niwantha- fish Nugget (11.45 am) collecting feedbacks       Pathumi, Azka (11.50 am - 12 pm) Vote of thanks - Niwantha (12.00pm)   Refereshments Azka, Budhika And also, during this week, we bought the ingredients that need to prepare the recipes in meal demonstration session. We planned to do our Q & A session within the help of our demonstrator miss. As usual, we uploaded a ne

13th week

 Sunday, 05th June 13th week - Activities When 13th week of our cooking demo project, there was one week more to plan our physical awareness session & its' activities. Therefore, in this week we had to think & plan the ingredients that need for preparing the recipes that we planned for cooking demonstration session. Our group members listed down the ingredients & planned to buy them from the market. As assigned the members for the main activities of the awareness session, I had to get ready for the awareness session of nutrition of the children under 5 years. The category that I had to prepare was toddlers who were in 1-3 years in age. Therefore, during this week I gathered information related to the nutrition of toddlers & their feeding practices. Uploading a new recipe video for the Tots' kitchen YouTube channel was done during this week too. In short, the activities that we did during 13th week; Planning & getting ready for preparing the recipes of the co

12th week

 Sunday, 29th May 12th week - Activities During 12th week, we could to print our poster after checking its' corrections. In this week, our group leader divided us to the sub groups of main activities that decided to do in our final program. Poster that we created; And also, we discussed about the main activities that we should do in further details. The activities that we planned to do; 1. Informing the mothers that come to the awareness session about the nutrition of the children under 5 years.          In here, three members were assigned to do it as nutrition of infants, toddlers & preschoolers. 2. Cooking demonstration session 🍡🍯🍪preparing four recipes such as nutri balls, fish nuggets, pumpkin puree & fruit kebab. Nutri Balls Fish Nuggets Fruit Kebab Pumpkin puree 3. Q & A session - In here, we planned to give answers for the questions that mothers have discussing with our dietician. But unfortunately, we could not contact her. However, we thought do this sessio

11th week

 Sunday, 22nd May 11th week - Activities In 11th week, we planned our budget & listed down the things that we had to buy & pay while doing our final program. According to that, some plans were little bit changed. Not only that, we thought to complete our poster designing & printing during this week. Uploading a new nutritious recipe video to the YouTube channel was happened during this week too. I tried to contact another resource person during this week also. Planning & discussing about the final program were continued in this week. These are the tasks that we did during our 11th week of the project. Within them, we spent a busy time period.

10th week

 Sunday, 15th May 10th week - Activities When starting 10th week of our project, we had to do more activities that related to our final awareness program. From this week we started to line-up the main activities that we should do in upcoming weeks. Within these things, we wanted to design our poster. One of our group members did it using Canva.  Due to the current situation of our country, we happened to face some problems. The dates that we fixed to do our program was postponed & again we contacted MOH & our dietician to fix a date. But unfortunately, we could not contact our dietician on the fixed date by the MOH. Then, we faced a problem how to manage this situation & find a solution. I had to contact another person & I tried my best during this week & planned to do it in upcoming weeks also. Within that, the new recipe video for YouTube channel was created & uploaded during this week sharing promotional post for it as usual via whatsapp. In short, activities